» Special Programs : Orthopedic Surgery

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Special Programs

Orthopedic Surgery

When we talk about orthopedic surgery, we are talking about ANY surgery that involves repairing bones, muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments. As you can imagine, this means that a comprehensive list of everything we can treat would be very long.

There are many reasons patients end up needing orthopedic surgery as well. For some, an acute injury quickly changes the way their body works. For others, a slow decline over months or even years can gradually creep up on them.

Often therapists will use different techniques and exercises depending on which category you fall into. And your goals may be different as well.

Some patients are trying to avoid surgery, others are recovering from surgery, and still others are taking advantage of ‘pre-hab’ to get as strong as they can before a scheduled surgery.

No matter where you fall, we can help! Schedule an evaluation today to talk to a therapist about options for managing your pain and improving your function.

Our therapists are well educated and equipped to deal with all of these, including but not limited to:

Spinal Fusions

Spinal Disc Surgeries

Rotator Cuff Repairs

Shoulder Labrum Repairs

Elbow Surgeries

Carpal Tunnel Release

Thumb surgeries

Spinal implants/nerve ablations

Hip labrum repairs

Meniscus repairs


ACL/MCL surgeries

Achilles tendon repairs

Bone spur removal

Ankle tendon procedures


And many more!

Call the office today with questions or to schedule an appointment

(410) 747-8571

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